What Flying creature are you? [creatures of Sonaria]

Hey Guys this is the {What flying creature are you? [creatures of sonaria]} quiz! this will help you know what flier you truly are! I don't mean any of the things I say about your creature these are just ideas!

Try to answer these as truthful as you can ok? Don't fake it because you want to sound nice ok? Hope you enjoy my quiz if not just find another one! ALRIGHT! lets get into it!

Created by: Creature Qizzzessss
  1. You see a Kendyl Killing people without stoping, What do you do?
  2. You see a Chysos hurting a Minawii, what do you do?
  3. The only food around you is plants but you eat meat. Only cute beans are around you, WHAT DO YOU DO!!??
  4. What will you do if you see a ocean creature heading to the oasis but it is slowly dying without water?
  5. Who is the best creature of sonaria youtuber?
  6. what is you fav kind of animal?
  7. which is better.
  8. quizzes take a while... what is your fav type if music!
  9. alright this is just tiering uuugh. What is never ok....
  10. Last question! What are your main colors?

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Quiz topic: What Flying creature am I? [creatures of Sonaria]
