What Warden From Creatures of Sonaria Are You?

Have you wondered which of the five Wardens from Creatures of Sonaria you are? Well, this quiz will answer that question for you! Every Warden has different personality traits describing them that are taken from the in-game description of each of them, if they have one, to make these results be as accurate as possible!

Note that this is just for fun! None of the results are intentionally insulting or offending, and if they seem like they are or that I am insulting anyone, that is not the context they are written in.

Created by: orionskittles
  1. Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert?
  2. If you are an ambivert, are you closer to being an extrovert or an introvert?
  3. Ideal Pack Size?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. Preferred diet?
  6. If you have a few diets you prefer, what are those diets?(Herbivore and photovore were options in the last question along with Carnivore and photocarni so those won't be here)
  7. Do you prefer stronger creatures or cooler-looking creatures?(In other words, in terms of the wardens, does tier matter to you? Is tier something you take into account when you decide if you like a creature, or does it just have to look cool?)
  8. Where is your preferred home?
  9. What's your favorite color (as in, ONE color.)
  10. If your favorite color wasn't on the previous question, choose one from here.
  11. Favorite color scheme (as in multiple alike colors)?
  12. Favorite Holiday?
  13. What's your "role" in your friend group?
  14. What is your zodiac sign?
  15. If your zodiac was not on the previous question, what is your zodiac?

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Quiz topic: What Warden From Creatures of Sonaria am I?
