What Fantasy Creature Are You?... (like, for real?)

Have you ever wondered what fantasy spirit creature would be?Know you can know with this amazing and easy yet short quiz! BUM!!!!! BUM!!!!!!!! BUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try it and be amazed as you figure out the shocking truth about your personality! Are you more like an elf, orc, centaur, faun or dragon???Figure out in this quiz!

Created by: DiamondGamer
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. who's your favorite sibling?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What gender are you?
  5. What is your favorite fantasy movie/book?
  6. How would your friends describe you?
  7. What's your favorite food?
  8. What is your favorite drink?
  9. What is your favorite word?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Will you like the quiz?(like 5 stars?)
  12. Was this quiz fun?

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Quiz topic: What Fantasy Creature am I?... (like, for real?)
