What Fall Activity Should I Do?

This quiz is about all things fall. After writing it I do appreciate all the different aspects of this season. Before, I was kinda indifferent but now I guess I'm like yay. That's nice I guess.

So just hurry up and find out what fall activity you should do.

Created by: H Presser
  1. What's your favorite fall flavor?
  2. At the bonfire, I will...
  3. My favorite event at the fall fair/festival is...
  4. What's your favorite autumn weather?
  5. What's your favorite holiday?
  6. My favorite leaf color is...
  7. My favorite fall-themed Taylor Swift song is...
  8. Halloween is the best because...
  9. What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?
  10. It's Christmas (end of December) now and...

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