How much of a Dragon are you?

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Welcome! Kinda new, so don’t expect ‘professional level’ things here. This is my first EVER quiz, so things may be out-of-wack, so don’t judge on how I did, look at it for a different point-of-view.

Making this took a little thinking and a lot of typing, plus trying not to fall asleep at the same time? Man, never trying that combo again! Thanks for people who didn’t just over look this quiz because it looks just all the other’s out there

Created by: Midnight
  1. Hello, yes, I know there might be other quizzes like this one, but, hey, you can’t blame me, I’m new. Anyways, let’s us our imaginations here, let’s say there’s a war going on and your best friend is fighting that war, but somebody comes and tries to kill your friend. Let’s also say that your friend just betrayed you earlier by not telling you something super important. What would you do?
  2. Which element would you use to help/destroy your ‘friend’?
  3. Okay, enough of that. Would you perfer to have no wings or feet, have both, or one or the other?
  4. Have you ever attempted or have drawn Dragon’s before?
  5. Would your tail have your element on it? (like, electricity sparking off it, or vines wrapped around the ends)
  6. What size would you be? Size does matter in many situations.
  7. What environment would you prefer to live in if you could?
  8. Would you be mean, nice, or both?
  9. What would you do with your Dragon life?
  10. If you could choose right now to live a Dragon life forever, or stay a human for the rest of your life, which wou,d you chose?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Dragon am I?

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