What Extreme Ideology Are You?

This quiz is about what Extreme political ideologies are you through really valuable and totally complex questions that you will find to be not a waste of time.

The ideologies it tests for are Anarcho-Collectivist, Stalinist, Anarcho-Capitalist, Nazi, Authoritarian, Centrist, Swiftian, Liberal, Right Wing, and Clericalist

Created by: Zkow
  1. What do you see yourself eating for dinner?
  2. Which one of these people would you consider yourself most aligned with?
  3. How would you like the state financial system to be in your country?
  4. Which of the following do you fear will destroy modern society?
  5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community
  6. What old state do you most admire
  7. Which of the following would you abolish if you became the president of the USA?
  8. Which of the following do you feel defined the 1900s?
  9. How Much Should We Tax The Citizens?
  10. Where on the political spectrum do you feel you most align?

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Quiz topic: What Extreme Ideology am I?
