The Non-Extreme Political Ideology Quiz

This is a short quiz that will allow you to see which political ideologies you align with. It is a short quiz, and may not accurately represent your true views, for which I apologize.

The quiz is 10 quick questions about morals, economics, and globalism along with other things. It is short and might not be completely correct. Extreme ideologies are not included, and no, national socialism isn’t extreme in most cases.

Created by: Grant
  1. What kind of economy do you support?
  2. How do you feel about immigration?
  3. What do you think about gun laws?
  4. What do you think about multiculturalism?
  5. What do you think about globalism?
  6. How much government do you want?
  7. Do you support isolationism towards foreign governments?
  8. Is degeneracy a problem in society?
  9. How much should the rich($1 mil/year+) be taxed?
  10. How important is the environment?

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