What Extinct Omnivorous Animal Are You?

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Hello! This is a sequel to my two previous quizzes. What Extinct Carnivorous Animal Are You and What Extinct Herbivorous Animal Are You. I hope you enjoy it.

You can be any Omnivorous extinct animal. This is part three of the extinct animal quizzes. Take this quiz and find out What Extinct Omnivorous Animal Are You.

Created by: Gray
  1. Did you do What Extinct Carnivorous Animal Are You and What Extinct Herbivorous Animal Are You?
  2. Did you read the top description?
  3. Pick an animal.
  4. What is your ideal vacation spot?
  5. Pick a farm animal.
  6. What's your favorite color?
  7. What's your favorite season?
  8. When are you most energetic?
  9. What combination seems more powerful to you?
  10. What would you do if you were attacked by a rabid fox?!
  11. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What Extinct Omnivorous Animal am I?