What animal are YOU?

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What is your animal personality and/or human personality? But most importantly, which animal are YOU? There are six different animals you could get. Dog or cat? Fox or horse?

This quiz will tell you which animal truly represents you. Are you eagle, smart and calculating? Or horse, brave and loyal? Find out in my quiz! I hope you get what you want.

Created by: Dragon Friend
  1. Pick one of the following: which do you like to be?
  2. Now a color (sorry)!
  3. Your personality traits?
  4. Just pick one!
  5. What Dragon did you get in 'What type of dragon are you?' If you didn't take it, take it now! (You can go to it by clicking on my name.)
  6. Okay pick your favorite weather:
  7. Your favorite food?
  8. OK, and your habitat?
  9. Flight, fright or fight?
  10. And lastly, how do you feel about getting muddy/dirty?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
