What Evangelion Character Are u?

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I can’t really explain this but in this quiz you’ll find out what Evangelion character you are, ranging from Shinji to the adults, I didn’t wanna name all of them since I’m too lazy so it’ll say just adults

Sorry if this is bad it is my first quiz and it’s like 1am when I’m writing this, I have classes tomorrow and I’m sleep deprived, I am actually lazy on this but I tried. Just like Linkin Park said, “I TRIED SO HARD AND GOT SO FAR”

Created by: Lox
  1. Who do you hope to get?
  2. Do you draw?
  3. Did you at least watch the show?
  4. Do you like being social
  5. Sad?
  6. What music do you listen to?
  7. What Eva would you pilot?
  8. Ya ready????
  9. That was a joke, we got like 2 more questions. Are you a depressed person?
  10. Last one!! Ready for your result?

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