Which Super Marxism Bros Character are you??

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Please don't take this too seriously it's a joke. If you liked the quiz, thought it was funny, have some recommendations, or want to know more follow me on instagram @supermarxismbros, thank you and goodnight

This is the second paragraph that is meant to introduce you to this quiz that I didn't plan on writing but there is a character minimum and this is it

Created by: SuperMarxismBros
  1. Revolution Should be achieved by,
  2. After the revolution we should,
  3. Nationalism...
  4. Communist Parties should...
  5. Favourite real world Communist Leader
  6. Chicken Pot Pie?
  7. _________ Party
  8. Frida Kahlo
  9. Marx was
  10. Lenin was
  11. I consider myself more

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Quiz topic: Which Super Marxism Bros Character am I??
