What English accent do you have? Find out here

Where are you from I think you can be from the United States that you can eat Whitby from break what can you do to save yourself you can just speak or talk next ok you can sleep I don't agree can't sleep you can relax but never sleep.

Please don't know what is the previous description it is totally random as well as this description so you just came to read it you don't have to read it Matthew of course you can read it.

Created by: EGS
  1. Do "cot" and "caught" sound the same, when you say it?
  2. Do "father" and "bother" rhyme?
  3. Do you "pahk the cahs?"
  4. How do you pronounce word "horrible?"
  5. Does "about" rhyme with "loud?"
  6. Do "pen" and "pin" sound the same?
  7. Do "bag" and "vague" rhyme?
  8. Do "metal" and "medal" sound the same?
  9. Do trap and bath rhyme?
  10. Do "do" and "dew" sound the same?
  11. Do Mary, marry, and merry sounds the same?

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Quiz topic: What English accent do I have? Find out here
