What emoji are you??

just answer the qeustions, i was kinda lazy to be honest, i'm ocsπŸ˜… high school is crappy but at least i get to see my friends lol, it aint like middle school thats for sure

bro i have made 5 quizzes for real cuz i have to sit here for 8 hours!! bro my but is numbπŸ˜– and my back hurts bruhπŸ₯Ί bro the only thing in here is the smart board with Photoshop pictures of the beach around it like u seriousπŸ˜’

Created by: Mama_cinnamonroll653
  1. Pick one
  2. chicken or corn?
  3. Pick a plant
  4. crackers or chips?
  5. pick one
  6. Pick one
  7. pick somthing
  8. Pick one
  9. football or basket ball(this wont effect ur answer)
  10. okie bye (this wont effect ur answer either)

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Quiz topic: What emoji am I??
