What element suits you best?

adjfkahsdfklndsajfd jsanfjandsjfjdansfjdsljfjdsjfkladsnfjndsjfaldks;ffffffffffffffffffffs;lafadskl vdsf kacl;s jkdfnjadsfndsjnfjndfkadfnknadsfjnalkdsnfklndsj


Created by: Evan
  1. Do you follow or give orders?
  2. Do you feel guilty for your crimes?
  3. QUICK! Your 2 friends are getting bullied by the 3 biggest bullies in school. 1 more to make the fight fair. you...
  4. Your stuck in quick-sand. you..
  5. Do you live life to its fullest?
  6. Are/have you (been) emo?
  7. Are you smart?
  8. What is your fave animal?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Which were you hoping for?

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Quiz topic: What element suits me best?