What Elder Scrolls Skyrim Race are you?

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Elder Scrolls Skyrim is one of my favourite games, I knew about it since when I was 3 years old, and started playing at 9 with enchanting, potions, smithing and building a house, and at 12 I met Miraak. Since then I'm a fiery fan.

Many new players have trouble in deciding their race, and, to help them, I made this quiz, so they will choose a race that matches their personality. Or perhaps you are just curious. Find out here!

Created by: Ri'zulga the Rogue
  1. This quiz is going to be kinda long for accurate results, but it will be fun.
  2. What's your Zodiac Sign? (if yours is not here, see the next question)
  3. What's your Zodiac Sign? (don't answer if you answered the first part)
  4. If you could have one of these powers, what would it be? (if yours is not here, see the next question)
  5. If you could have one of these powers, what would it be? (don't answer if you answered the first part)
  6. What do you worship?
  7. What's your Hogwarts House? (ignore if you don't know)
  8. You are trapped inside a volcano! As you walk, you meet a Dremora and she tells you: ''You have to slay one of the following beasts or group of enemies to escape.'' Which one would you fight?
  9. After defeating the creature you chose and escaped the volcano, you obtained a rare pearl from slaying the creature. What do you do with it? (if yours is not here, see the next question)
  10. After defeating the creature you chose and escaped the volcano, you obtained a rare pearl from slaying the creature. What do you do with it? (don't answer if you answered the first part)
  11. Stormcloaks or Imperials?
  12. What type of magic do you prefer?
  13. Pick one school of magic:
  14. What would you like to have as a companion?
  15. What's your favourite colour? (admit it, you've been waiting for this)
  16. You are chased by a gang of bandits, but you have no weapon and are out of magicka. Some portals open before you, but entering one will change your looks. Which would you enter?
  17. What design of armor do you like the most? Just based on looks, not on effectiveness. (if yours is not here, see the next question)
  18. What design of armor do you like the most? Just based on looks, not on effectiveness. (don't answer anything if you clicked in the first question)
  19. What weapon would you choose?
  20. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Elder Scrolls Skyrim Race am I?
