What elder scrolls arena class am i

The Elder Scrolls series has been very successful game series. against the odds, they sold Oblivion in a time when swords and magic were "uncool". They sold Skyrim, a game in my opinion is the "most addicting game I've ever played." But that's my opinion, you can decide that for yourself.

It started humbly with Arena, a game that ran off Ms-DOS, it begins with character creation when you decide your race and name. Then you take a quiz of ten questions to determine class, these are randomly picked from the ones you will be asked. They will decide whether you are a warrior, thief, or mage. So which are you?

Created by: amazon
When Will I Die Test
  1. One summer afternoon your father, Talin, gives you a choice of chores. Would you rather:
  2. Your father and you are returning from the town market when you see a small boy running from a store. In his hands he clutches a loaf of bread. Behind him races the baker with a cleaver in his hands. You know that the boy must be hungry, but the town is suffering from a drought, which has made food valuable. Do you:
  3. Your father tells you one night the story of his battle at Borim Valley, where his men had routed the enemy. They would have captured them all if not for the brave sacrifice of a young Sergeant on the opposing side, who held a pass long enough for his men to retreat to safety. He had done so knowing that it would cost him his life. If you had been that man would you have:
  4. Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much money back in exchange for one of the items. Do you:
  5. While in a market place you witness a thief cut a purse from a noble. Even as he does so the noble notices and calls for the city guards. In his haste to get away, the thief drops the purse near you. Surprisingly, no one seems to notice the bag of coins at your feet. Do you:
  6. Your father sends you on a task which you loathe, cleaning the stables. On the way there, pitchfork in hand, you run into your friend from the homestead near your own. He offers to do it for you, in return for a future favor of his choosing. Do you:
  7. Your mother asks you to help fix the stove. While you are working a very hot pipe slips its moorings and falls towards her. Do you:
  8. While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted you take it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it. Do you:
  9. Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. The crowd behind him seems very angry. Do you:
  10. You and your best friend buy your first daggers together, a matched pair. You loan him the amount since he doesn't have enough gold, and he agrees to pay you back later. After leaving the shop you and he sit down to marvel at your new weapons. To your dismay you notice that there is a small notch on the blade of the dagger you selected. Your friend asks you to please watch his weapon for him while he runs an errand. Do you:
  11. You are at weapons practice with Armsmaster Festil. He is very old now, but takes his teaching very seriously. In fact you have heard him comment that it is all he has left in life. Today he has ceaselessly taunted you at every mistake. Finally he asks you to attack him with the same technique you just did, in an effort to show you the proper execution. Do you:
  12. While throwing a ball to you your friend breaks a window on his house. His father rushes out and demands to know who broke the window. You know that your friend's father is a strict disciplinarian and will punish your friend severely if he takes the blame. You on the other hand, not being his son, could get away virtually unscathed. Do you:
  13. Armsmaster Festil during a lesson on strategy remarks, 'The best victory is to completely and totally humiliate your opponent'. He then turns to you and asks you if you agree with him. You know the Armsmaster has been in numerous life and death conflicts and has the experience of a seasoned warrior. Do you:
  14. The senior student in your weapons class has trounced you unmercifully for the past several years. Today is the Tournament of Students and you find with dismay that you are paired against him for your first match. As you prepare your friend approaches and offers to tell you of an injury the senior student suffered in yesterday's sparring class, which you missed. Do you:
  15. An old man stops you on the way to market, claiming to have been robbed. He is lying on the trail and seems gravely injured. He asks you to run to town and get the constable. You give him your word that you will go directly to town and bring the constable back. As you make your way back you notice a suspicious man creeping along another trail. He doesn't seem to notice you yet. Do you:
  16. While fishing one sunny afternoon you find that the boots which you discarded are now full of ants who are busily making their way from a piece of bread you dropped to their anthill. Do you:
  17. You hear Armsmaster Festil remark during weapons class, 'The intent of your opponent can be seen in his blade'. Many of the students scoff at this, though not openly. Do you:
  18. The town has a lottery in which the winning chit is called. You look in shock as the winning chit number matches your own! Before you can say anything another family walks forward. You have seen them before and know that they are extremely poor. Your family on the other hand is very well off, and could do without the 100 gold piece prize. Do you:
  19. Armsmaster Festil poses a question one day to his class. A company of 100 men is attempting to flee from the enemy. There are two paths out of the broken stronghold. One path will kill half the men under the officers command, but the other half would survive. The other path has a fifty percent chance that everyone would die, but also a fifty percent chance that everyone would survive. As the commanding officer would you:
  20. You have a great aunt and a great uncle living in two different nearby villages, both of whom have asked your father to allow you to live with them for a few weeks. Your father knows where he plans to send you, but he is curious about your opinion. Given the choice, would you rather:
  21. A friend has on several occassions [sic] made remarks about how much he likes a particular gold ring of yours. One day you discover that this ring is missing and after making a thorough search, find it in a coat your friend had left in your pantry. Are you most inclined to:
  22. A good friend of yours is in love with a girl from a neighboring village, a girl who barely knows him. He is extremely shy and inexperienced, and he pleads for your help. Would you suggest he:
  23. Armsmaster Festil is relating the story of a great king he knew in a faraway land whose inventors created a wondrous balloon of such size, it could transport dozens of people through the air to any place they chose. If you were this king, he asks you, how would you use this remarkable balloon? Would you:
  24. There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a group of people called 'Telepaths'. They have been hired by certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepatha) That this is a terrible practice. A person's thoughts are his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make such an invasion into another human's mind. s read a person's mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling the truth or not. You believe:
  25. You are told that a young man has been caught by the village guards and accused of murder. Apparently, his brother was killed by a group of four ruffians in a local tavern, and in his grief, the young man tracked each of them down and murdered them. Upon reflection, you believe that:
  26. One night, walking home, you are attacked by a young man you know from Armsmaster Festil's class. You defend yourself ably and knock him unconscious. While he is out, you:
  27. Your father delights in telling you stories of his travels in his youth. In one memorable tale, he tells you about a primitive island he visited where a young child was sacrificed once a year to appease Arius, the God of Fire. Whenever the natives neglected the sacrifice, the island volcano would erupt, killing hundreds of villagers. You immediately tell your father:
  28. Armsmaster Festil introduces a new student to the class - a small, awkward boy named Tys who does not seem to have any natural talent at all. The class is divided into two sides for a mock battle and, as one of the 'generals', you are to assign your soldiers to positions. Tys is one of your men. You decide to:
  29. You're hunting in the King's Hunt, a contest in which the best hunter will win riches enough to live comfortably for the rest of his or her life. You track a white stag many of you had shot at earlier. You are alone as you examine the stag and recognize the arrow as one fired from your friend's bow. As you retrieve the arrow for closer examination you hear your friends arrive. Do you:

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