What eevee are you?

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I love the eevees. And because you are taking this quiz, you probably love em too! Well, good for you! You are about to take the journey of a lifetime. I worked for ages on this quiz, so give it some love. Also, this is my first quiz, would like some support!

Some undertale references are hidden in this quiz! Gotta find em all! (and not free em all, we don't like you, PETA) tbh, I think the story is better than the results, so fanfiction lovers welcome! Hope you enjoy!♪

Created by: ShadowMew 7253
  1. Where is the story taking place?
  2. Wherever you are, there is a pokemon egg. This is you. What colour is the egg?
  3. Your egg cracks open. You are an eevee. You stumble out of the egg. You see a shiny eevee snuggled up next to an alolan vulpix and a galarian zigagoon. What do you do?
  4. before you can even act, the shiny eevee aproches you. she says " it is dangerous out here. come with me. i will help protect you."
  5. you talk for a bit, then reach your destination. you sleep. The next day... "Hello, my child! I never got to introduce myself. My name is Tori. The vulpix is called willow and the ziggagoon is called ziggy. what's yours?"
  6. "that's a nice name, child" said Tori. "just in time for breakfast! We often have cinnamon or butterscotch pie, but you just got added to the family, so we will have something different! Willow? Ziggy? What would you like?" "Ice cream!" said Willow. "Chocolate!" said Ziggy. What do you have for breakfast?
  7. you wolf down your first meal. You give Willow and Ziggy a hug and then say "Thanks for everything! I should set off now! Bye!" when Tori says "Do no leave. Everytime someone leaves here without proper care, they all meet the same fate. They die. Don't leave!" Tori transforms into a goat wearing purple. "My child, you can't stop me now! I am now Toriel!" You are in a pokemon battle. You think...
  8. it was a tough battle, but you manage to defeat Tori. (now known as Toriel) The finishing blow was...
  9. Tori returns to her previous form. "Sorry. Now I know even a one day old eevee can beat a mother of two. I will let you pass." You say "What about Willow and Ziggy? Won't they miss me?" Tori says "ill let them come, too. Willow? Ziggy? How about it?" They both nod head in agreement. "OK!" You, Willow and Ziggy say together. "Let's go!"
  10. as soon as you head out, there is a tingling sensation all other your body. You want to eat move breakfast and you start using the final move you used on Tori. Then your body starts to glow. it's EEVEELUTION!

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Quiz topic: What eevee am I?