What Dragonet Are You? (20 question special)

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Welcome to my quiz! Here, you can figure out what dragonet you are! Find out who you're most like. If you've taken the quiz before, and were unhappy about your answer, only retake if hobbies or answers have changed. Please don't only try to target one dragonet.

WARNING: Some questions you won't have an answer for until later in the books. You are warned. WARNED I SAY!! WARNED! Any questions? Sorry, too bad there isn't a chat on here.

Created by: Ad Brennan
  1. You're in front of the tunnel from the SandWing kingdom. What do you hope is waiting for you on the other side?
  2. It's time for the potluck at Queen Thorn's stronghold. What do you bring?
  3. You get put into Jade Mountain Academy. You can join any winglet. What one would you choose? (It's better to have a book with you to see who's in each one.)
  4. Who do you hope you get?
  5. What queen would you ally with?
  6. What pet would you want?
  7. What power would you want?
  8. What's a hobby of yours?
  9. Color?
  10. If you were a SandWing and were able to choose any queen for the tribe, who would you choose?
  11. Are you happy that Thorn is queen?
  12. What book are you on?
  13. Have you taken this quiz before?
  14. Choose your dragon name.
  15. Favorite letter
  16. What animus object would you want?
  17. Water or Sand?
  18. Sand or Mud?
  19. Mud or Leaves?
  20. Leaves or Sky?

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Quiz topic: What Dragonet am I? (20 question special)
