What dog are you

Hello and bye did you have a good time hope you did I am bob please tell your friends about this quiz it took forever well it felt like it did it probably didn't take that long though

I dont like cats but I love dogs and I thought it would be funny if someone got water buffalo haha this probably took around 30-50 minutes I think maybe more

Created by: Bob
  1. What color is your hair
  2. How tall are you
  3. How would you describe yourself
  4. Do you like cats dogs or water buffalos more
  5. Do you want the results yet
  6. I am sorry but to make the quiz I need at least 10 questions
  7. What kind of movies/shows do you like
  8. 7 question almost done how many are left
  9. How many are keft
  10. this is the last one did you have fun I hope so

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Quiz topic: What dog am I
