What does Sonic Think of You

So If sonic was real what would he think of you? Ever wondered that?

hahaha i think you wish he was real

Created by: MollytheDoll

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if you saw THE sonic the hedgehog.
  2. What character would you be other than sonic
  4. Do you snuggle wuggle huggle your cats
  5. Do people think you are weird when you say that you watch sonic or play the games
  6. Do you imagine new ways to make sonic shows
  7. do you make up new characters and have sonic plushies board games yadayada yada yada all that stuff
  8. So does your name start with an A an does your best friend's name start with a T? Hahaha yes I know you live(OK I made this quiz for somebody if you aren't starfire54 then forget this)
  9. OK so do you think sonic is for retards
  10. OK that's all we needed to know. Now star into the light and slowly walk into it.You will see a rabbit rip off its ears and eats is feet with a smile.I will tell you rest after you do that.You will soon be out of the fake world around you

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