What Does My Friend Tangle the Lemur Think Of You? (Sonic)

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Me/Whisper: Hello, everyone. Hope your having a good day, today, I have another quiz. Tangle: Yeah! And I'm in it! Today, you will see what I think of you!

Me: Make sure to be honest though for the BEST result and make sure to Rate and Comment on what you thought. Tangle: Yep, and make sure to HAVE FUN! Me and Tangle: ENJOY!

Created by: Whisper_Wolf_16
  1. Me/Whisper: Hello, I'm back again but with my dear friend, Tangle. Tangle: HELLO!
  2. Me: Tangle, you may ask the first question. Tangle: Ok, hmm...which are you?
  3. Me: Which would you rather do to help someone/something?
  4. Tangle: Do you like adventure and action?!
  5. Me: Your friend is about to get hurt, there HAD to be a sacrifice, would you just let your friend go through it?
  6. Tangle: Would you help your friend no matter how dangerous the situation may be?
  7. Me: You find out Eggman is planning on destroying a town, what do you do?
  8. Tangle: Who would you want as a friend?
  9. Me: Do you think it's weird that Tangle is a talking Lemur and that I'm a talking wolf?
  10. Tangle: Lastly, what would you do if you met Sonic during a battle?
  11. Me: I hope you enjoyed the quiz. Tangle: IT WAS FUN! Me: *Smiles* Ready for the result? (NO EFFECT)

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