What does Isaac Coner think of you

This quiz is about children of the corn to see what Isaac Coner thinks about you. Ff Buck do to the to the to to go to to to go to to to to to to to to to to

Have a fun and safe day. Hgg highland can do an to dwelh g f gb h h h h h f fn j h h h h h h yyhhg gggg sdhg hmmmmmh h llll. H hto thanks for taking my quiz

Created by: Elora
  1. If someone was trying to kill Isaac will you help him?
  2. Do you like Isaac
  3. Do you like my quiz if it is bad don't blame me I'm only ten years old. It has no effect on the answer.
  4. What do you think about he who walks behind the rows.
  5. Do you like adults
  6. Will you listen to Isaac if he was your leader
  7. Lucky pick
  8. Lucky pick
  9. Lucky pick
  10. Lucky pick . No effect on answer

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