Which character are you in TBOI, from Isacc

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This quiz is designed to show where your fates align with The Lost, The Forgotten,Azazel, Isaac or Eden to come along with your same fates that have a meaning.

I hope this will help you make up a trait you have and The pictures were from google just to let you know that on the other hand these pictures can be subject of copyright.

Created by: EnderBoi7
  1. How have you found this quiz
  2. How much do you care for your family?
  3. If Mother was about to die what would you do?
  4. Do you play The binding of isaac?This does not affect anything.
  5. Are you picked on?
  6. Do you feel empathy for the monsters you must kill.
  7. Do you prefer co-op or solo?
  8. Do you wonder how guppy died?
  9. What are is a strat you use?
  10. Final question, about how many runs have you won.

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Quiz topic: Which character am I in TBOI, from Isacc
