What Doctor Who Character Are You?

Do wee do! What doctor who character are you!?! Do you know this quiz will tell you I only made this quiz because I was bored don't judge to hard I didn't put in that much effort.

Just a heads up last five questions don't count. I couldn't think of any more. Yeah do good luck hope you got a good charater. Leave a coment about which one you got!

Created by: Cliwin
  1. What are you doing for the Holidays?
  2. For Halloween you would go to a party dressed as...
  3. Your style...
  4. Why are you doing this quiz?
  5. How many times have you been on a plane?
  6. I can't think off any more questions next 5 questions don't count for anything
  7. Pick one
  8. Pick one
  9. Pick one
  10. Pick one

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Quiz topic: What Doctor Who Character am I?