What do you know about the American Civil War?

Hello! Nice to see you! I am General William Sherman, working for the Union in the civil war. I am here to inform you of some facts about the ongoing conflict(at least in my time).

Our war started over Slavery. The north hated Slavery and put a blockade on the British-African-American Slave Trade which the south did not like. On December 29, 1860, South Carolina seceded from the Union, forming the republic of South Carolina. Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, and Georgia would all soon follow them, then being followed by the Arizona Territory, Indian Territory, Public Land Strip, Tennesse, Arkansas, Virginia, North Carolina, and West Virginia, which was still a part of Virginia at the time. Some major battles included Gettysburg, Bull Run, and Vicksburg. The Union won, and general Robert E. Lee surrendered to us(Grant was also there, he wanted to be called 'unconditional surrender' Grant, weird)and Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865 by a-Yes, a Racist and a supporter of the Confederacy. That's all you need to know now, see ya!

Created by: William Sherman
  1. Who won the 1860 United States presidential election?
  2. When did South Carolina secede from the union?
  3. Which states joined the Confederacy first?
  4. Where did the ACW start?
  5. Where did the first major battle take place?
  6. What was the attempt for the Union to invade major ports such as Fort Sumter and invade from Missouri?
  7. Which battle decided the fate of each nation, turned the tide of the war and started a major defeat for the Confederacy?
  8. Which battle divided the CSA in half?
  9. Which battle ended the war and showed the Confederacy surrender to the Union?
  10. Who won the 1864 United States presidential election?
  11. Why did the Civil War start?
  12. Who was the best Union general in the war?
  13. Who was the best Confederate general in the war?
  14. Who was President of the confederacy?
  15. When did the US reunification start?
  16. When did the US reunification end?

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Quiz topic: What do I know about the American Civil War?
