what do the people think about me?

There are many clever people, but few true sagacious ones. maybe you ask(who is sagacious?)a sagacious is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind.

are you a clever person? can you answer all these questions? i am so glad about that you come to my quiz and i think that you will get a good result. good luck!

Created by: sara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you see a ulcerous animal in the street(cat,dog...)what would you do?
  2. it`s the first day of high school. one of the students come and say:hello! what would you say?
  3. do you prefer to read books,watch TV or go out?
  4. which animal do you prefer to have?
  5. do you like this quiz?
  6. which color do you prefer?
  7. do you have any problem with your family/friends?
  8. do you care about other people?
  9. how much do you sleep?
  10. ???

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