Are you clever?

Have you ever wondered if you are clever? Maby? There are very clever people, many dumb people and a little clever people. But are you clever? Have you always wondered?

Do you wonder if you clever? Well that's why your here to find out all you wonders about are you clever? Well go ahead! This is the quiz! Have a try!!

Created by: Snowleopard
  1. Hi!
  2. There was five cats pinky,Bob,Sam,Sally and lilly they had five cats each. How many cats would there be?
  3. are there nine or ten or eleven planets in the solar system?
  4. I'm five years old then I'm alive for another six years how old would I be?
  5. I had only ten p of money a day, how much would I have in a week?
  6. They are fury sometimes scaley what are they?
  7. I was born in 1930s until 1960s how old am I?
  8. 3+1 is five, am I right?
  9. I have just lost in a video game and it was called mega racers. Did I win or lose or draw?
  10. In four days I am going south, I was ill for five days. How many days until I go south?

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Quiz topic: Am I clever?