What do I think of your OC?

Soo... This is my opinion, so of course, it is a joke. I plan to make a Part two. This is my first quiz two usu. Kk, have lots and lots of fun! I need to stretch this out.

I need to write this to publish mah quiz. No number from 1 to 999 includes the letter "a" in its word form. Many oranges are actually green. The opposite sides of a die will always add up to seven.

Created by: NoOneAndEveryone
  1. You ready?
  2. Okay, clothing style.
  3. Hair?
  4. Hair color?
  5. Eye color?
  6. Personality, simplified.
  7. Flaws, simplified.
  8. What do YOU think?
  9. I can make this quiz go into the OCs in a bit more detail...
  10. kk bye

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Quiz topic: What do I think of my OC?
