What disorder are you most likely to have?

Take this quiz to see what disorder you fit in the most with or one you have. You might not know if you have a disorder, so now might be your time to find out!

Answer the questions below with honesty to find out your most-likely-to-have disorder or your disorder that you already have. This is just for fun and not meant to harm/hurt anyone.

Created by: Lilly Green
  1. Are you clean/neat/organized?
  2. Do/did you do good in school?
  3. Do you obsess over anything?
  4. How fast do you fall asleep at night?
  5. Are you a normal person?
  6. Are you popular at school/work?
  7. Are you lazy?
  8. Do you ever get mood swings?
  9. Do you like eating?
  10. Do you like socializing?

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Quiz topic: What disorder am I most likely to have?
