Do You Have ADHD?

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ADHD is the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which means that they have a hard time paying attention, sitting still, and are always on the move. Only about 5% of people have ADHD.

Do you have ADHD? Lots of people have a hard time paying attention and siting still sometimes, but only a few have the disorder. Thanks to this quiz, you can find out in just a few minutes.

Created by: Sherbert211

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  1. When your Mom asks you to do something, what do you say after it?
  2. When your Mom comes back in ten minutes, is the chore done?
  3. How often during school do you start day-dreaming?
  4. What do you do during your free time?
  5. Are you extremely active?
  6. Do you have a hard time paying attention?
  7. Do you have a hard time doing activities that are boring (to you) and are repetitive?
  8. Are you well organized?
  9. Do you often interrupt people?
  10. Do you feel that you have to tap your foot or something while sitting still?

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Quiz topic: Do I Have ADHD?