What Disney Princess Are You?

There are a lot of princesses out there in my eyes but not in everyone else's eyes tbh but you are one of a kind not like any other princess soo you are as special as a narwall.

What princess do you think you are these questions are very easy if you like Disney princesses like forreal you could find out which one you are right now just take this test?

Created by: bug

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What outside activity do you like?
  2. Do you like fish, birds and more or nature as in rivers?
  3. Do you like big puffy dresses, small tight dresses or small at the top and medium at the bottom?
  4. Do you like your hair up or half way like a ho bun or down?
  5. What is your fav color?
  6. Do you like bows?
  7. Do you like books?
  8. Do you like to fight like a boy not in any mean way tho?
  9. Do you like to sleep a lot?
  10. Do you like dogs (this doesn't count just wondering)?

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Quiz topic: What Disney Princess am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Princesses Quiz category.