What "Dere" are you???

This is to see what type of "Dere" you are. Sorry if I don't have a lot of "Possible Results." All you have to do is answer these questions below and see your result. Plz tell your friends about this and your family too. Also make sure to comment!!!!

Ok, so this quiz is something to do for fun. It might not be 100% accurate. Plz don't leave hate comments or anything like that. Well my potatos, I hope you have a very nice day!

Created by: potato0es
  1. What's your favorite color???
  2. Senpai walks towards a girl and blushes.
  3. What's your favorite word out of these?
  4. What's your favorite genre?
  5. What do people see you as?
  6. Which one do you look up to more?
  7. How would you describe yourself?
  8. Which "Dere" do you want to be?
  9. Senpai asks you out, what's your answer?
  10. How old are you (No Effect)
  11. What type of clothes do you wear?

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Quiz topic: What "Dere" am I???
