this quiz is to see what kind of person you are and what kind of hero you are like. this quiz qill be fun and it may be wierd but i hope you like it as much as i had making it. GOOD LUCK!

what kind of hero are you? a talented or not so talened? whatever you are you are a hero in your own way and no one can say that you are not. use that powers of yours to save lives.

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who are your top three heroes?
  2. When you were little, what did you want to be?
  3. What makes you feel afraid?
  4. What is something that you are proud of?
  5. What are your weaknesses?
  6. As a child, what was your dream job?
  7. how do you feel about being a hero?
  8. why did you become a hero?
  9. what is your source of energy?
  10. what makes you happy ?

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