What cultural ideology are you?

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This test deals with the cultural question. How progressive or conservative are you? Take this simple quiz to find out. It contains 13 multiple-choice questions.

I don't really feel like writing another paragraph here but the gotoquiz platform requires me to do so, so i'll just randomly write some stuff and hope it reaches the minimum limit.

Created by: MarsalaTito
  1. Your opinions on feminism?
  2. Your opinions on (hetereosexual) marriage?
  3. Your opinions on homosexuality?
  4. Your opinions on animal rights?
  5. Your opinion on racial equality?
  6. Are the words "blacklist" and "whitelist" racist?
  7. Which one is more oppressed, a rich lesbian black female A who owns a $50 million company, or a poor straight white male B who is an ordinary worker in the company owned by A earning the minimum wage?
  8. How many genders are there?
  9. Opinions on drugs?
  10. Will you consider the race/gender of a president candidate when voting?
  11. Are you the citizen of your nation or a "world citizen"?
  12. Do you think all religions should be equal?
  13. Are you religious?

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Quiz topic: What cultural ideology am I?

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