What creature is best for you?

Choosing what to be for a roleplay can be difficult, not just when it comes to creatures but to muses and themes as well. I made this little quiz to help you guys figure out what your personality type is most adept at playing.

Sadly, I was not able to add all of the options here as results, so human is not on here. I figured we all know what its like to be one of those so...anyway, enjoy yourself!

Created by: sarah
  1. Would you like to live a longer life?
  2. Are you good at fighting temptation?
  3. What are you passionate about?
  4. Which of these fields interests you the most?
  5. Money is no question, where would you like to live?
  6. What is more important?
  7. You have one thing in each hand: a small child you do not know, and a scroll that contains the answer to your most wanted to know question. You cannot know what the scroll says and save the child. Which do you drop over the bridge?
  8. You come across a fork in the road, what way do your instincts tell you to go?
  9. What is your Hogwarts House?
  10. What do you think about the meaning of life?
  11. Think of a number. What was it?
  12. Are you introverted or extroverted?
  13. Favorite part of the day?

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