What kind of Witch are you?

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When witches turn ten years old on Versi Continent (Witch and Child Discord server), they will know their original magic (the root of their magic) at the annual Sorting Ceremony.

Established and operated by PHA team - Private Headquarter of the Arcana. Hope hope you guys have a great time with us. Do not bring this form anywhere without asking us first.

Created by: LTL - Founder of PHA
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. What would you do if you only had one day left to live?
  3. In a social relationship, what kind of friend are you?
  4. When a stranger confesses to you and wants to be your lover, what do you do?
  5. Oh no, you see a bunch of fights in front of you, apparently someone you know a little, you will:
  6. You are lost in the forest, suddenly a strange little girl comes out to suggest directions for you out of the forest. But the girl road just looks unfamiliar, you will:
  7. What is the life you want?
  8. What's the most thing you want in life?
  9. If there is a chance that you can get what you want in question 8, but on the condition that you steal it from your own teammates, you will:
  10. Finally, How did you answer the questions?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Witch am I?
