What creature are you

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This is a fun easy quiz that will ask you a few simple questions about you to see which mythical creature are you so many results you could be either one out of the batch only one is evil which one are you

Finish this cute little quiz to find out and it took me a really long time to make all this so please please enjoy it itll make me so happy so I cant wait to see what you get tell me in the comments and date my quiz

Created by: Mira99
  1. Whats your fav food
  2. Whats your favourite color
  3. How do you feel about friends
  4. Do you like money
  5. Lahafakslsbs
  6. Lalalallalalalalalaa
  8. Whats more important
  9. Do you like dogs or cats
  10. Whos your ideal partner

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Quiz topic: What creature am I You can find more quizzes like this one in our Mythical Creatures Quiz category.
