What condimant are you?

What condimant are you? Have you ever thought of that question? Well if you haven't, THINK ABOUT IT!!! NOW!!! Anyway... TAKE THE DAMN QUIZ OR I BITE YOU!!!

You will find out what condimant you are and your strengths and weeknesses. Wondering can take you far in life, but knowing will take you further! Take the quiz... I dare you! I garentee you will laugh at your result!

Created by: Leia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Fav colour?
  2. Your best friend is being attacked! What are you thinking!?
  3. Fav food?
  4. Fav Mario charecter?
  5. Fav cheep game?
  6. What words best describe you?
  7. How do you dress?
  8. If you had to save one thing in a fire, what would it be!?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Bye then.

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Quiz topic: What condimant am I?