Does she like you?

You may have a suspicion, but not concrete proof. Does she like you? Does she not? Is it irking you to find out? Some other question I haven't thought of?

With this quiz, you may or may not find out. You may not be satisfied with your results. But that's life I guess. Have fun with my quiz! They also said that the robots would have been a certain kind.

Created by: Retlock
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you talk to each other a lot?
  2. What does she do when you pass each other in the hallway?
  3. How many times does that happen a day?
  4. Does she seem to seek you out?
  5. Does she laugh at your lame jokes?
  6. Do you ever catch her sneaking glances at you?
  7. Do you think the glances are a coincidence? (If you answered yes to the last question)
  8. Do you like ice cream?
  9. How about pizza?
  10. Are you confused?
  11. Do you think it will work?

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