What colour underwear are you wearing today?

Hi there, this quiz is a quiz that was just made for fun. This quiz is going to try and guess the colour panties you are wearing right now at this moment (make sure you know the colour before you take the quiz).

At the end of the quiz, please write in the comments whether the quiz got the colour correct or not. Please feel free to also leave some feedback for improvement, it would be much appreciated. Remember the quiz is just for fun.Dm me on twitter if you want my OnlyFans! (@publicflashing8)

Created by: The Colour Guesser
  1. Are you feeling sexy today
  2. Are you feeling comfortable today?
  3. Are you feeling brave?
  4. Are you wearing a red bra today?
  5. Are you wearing a black bra today?
  6. Are you wearing a white bra today
  7. Are you wearing a grey bra today?
  8. Are you wearing a nude bra today?
  9. Are you even wearing a bra today?
  10. Are you wearing a blue, pink, green or yellow bra today?
  11. Are you at school?
  12. Do you prefer light or dark colours?
  13. do you think I am going to get it right?

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Quiz topic: What colour underwear am I wearing today?

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