What colour soul are you

are you a green soul yellow soul blue soul or red soul? this quiz will tell you witch one you are! Make sure you answer honestly. or you will not get your soul colour.

are you ready to face very hard questions? the questions are kinda hard. when your done the quiz the first result is your true soul colour. are you ready?

Created by: Angelica
  1. Are you a grown up or a child
  2. How are you feeling most of the time
  3. what at school are you good at
  4. what are you very good at
  5. how are you to freinds
  6. what’s your favourite colour
  7. what do you like most
  8. are you a good soul
  9. Are you fun or quiet or mean
  10. are you a joyful soul calm soul happy soul or evil soul

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Quiz topic: What colour soul am I
