How much soul does your animus OC ACTUALLY have?

Ever wondered how much soul your OC has? Here's the quiz for you! Choose answers from your OC's perspective and pick the answers that are most true for your OC. You'll get an exceptionally accurate result!

Of course, you don't have to use this information. It's only for fun. Even is this quiz gave your OC 50% soul, but your story says that they're fully insane or they have a perfect soul, you can still do that. This is best for a little getting-to-know your OC.

Created by: ElledaTheSeaWing
  1. Is your OC a hybrid, a dragon from a tribe that isn't supposed to have magic, or a regular animus from the SeaWings, NightWings, or old-days IceWings?
  2. Does your OC have a soul protector that they enchanted at a young age?
  3. On average, how many spells does your OC cast?
  4. What spells does your OC cast? (Be honest, and pick which one describes MOST of your OC's spells)
  5. Who does your OC usually help when casting spells?
  6. Who might your OC's spells harm (on purpose or not)?
  7. Who did your OC support in the SandWing war? If they weren't alive then, who would they have supported?
  8. What is your OC's best trait?
  9. Is your OC friends with dragons from other tribes?
  10. A dragon called your OC a lazy RainWing. How would your OC respond?
  11. You're OC is in love with another dragon, but they don't share the same feelings. What does your OC do?
  12. Your OC's best friend or sibling is about to be killed. What do you do?
  13. Does your OC have a romantic partner?
  14. Last question. How much soul do you think your OC has? This has no effect on your answer.

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Quiz topic: How much soul does my animus OC ACTUALLY have?
