What Colour Is Yr Mermaid Tail?

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Ckeck out my other quiz wats yr mermaid element by laragh. Hi this quiz tells you what yr mermaid tail will be tnks

Don't forget to check out my other quiz whats yr mermaid element by laragh. This quiz will tell you what colour is your mermaid tail, are you ready?

Created by: Laragh

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. kk now ar u a mermaid
  3. yr going to your crushes party but its at a water prk! wat do you do?
  4. when wher u born
  5. how did u turn into a mermaid
  6. d u like secret life of a mermaid?
  7. When did u start likeing memraids
  8. who else do you know is a mermaid
  9. what do you look like (if u dont look like thease press other)
  10. all mermaids have pendants wat colour is yrs

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