what class 1B character are you?

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I'm running out of ideas pls help. ajdfhhdsgfiudsfiudfiudhsfiudhsiufhdsihfiudshfiudshfiuhdsifuhdsiuuhfiudhfiudhsiufhdsiufhierre heasdhjashbdhasbdhabsheh

I know I will make another of class 1B because their is more characters. uiahfsiudsfhisudfhdisuhfiudshfiudshuichuidcastfyatsudyghwbqjuiftsyudhbkjdlouieyfujvdbkjdhufdiygufjvhbkjdfhuhdiw

Created by: humanbeing
  1. what movies do you like
  2. violence?
  3. when your bored, punch an orphan! what are they gonna do? tell their parents??
  4. favorite color?
  5. what do you do in your free time
  6. books are~
  7. female or male
  8. how has your day been
  9. are you kind
  10. you or stranger (who would you save)

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Quiz topic: What class 1B character am I?
