what charecter from my book are you?

this quiz is baced on my book IN THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT where five girls turn from friends to alies to protect their friend taylor.

see who you most realate to Sam, Morgan,Kelly,Taylor, or maybe even Gwen in this exciting quiz.

Created by: baliey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. if you could control an element, what would it be?
  2. your favorite color is
  3. you best friends last name starts with? (this does not efect answer)
  4. if you had five days till a major war what would you do?
  5. if you had to choose what would you be?
  6. if your friend was in a huge fight that could cause death would you show you secret to protect her. (like show your a vampire.)
  7. a buff man walk up to you and trys to take your plate of food you...?
  8. you wepon of choise is?
  9. how do you spend your free time?
  10. are you easly fooled?

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Quiz topic: What charecter from my book am I?