what bizenghast charecter are you?

have you ever been mad because there are hardly any bizenghast quizzes? well, no to worry i will be one of the few producers if fine bizenghast quizzes just for you!

have you ever wondered what charecter in the book bizenghast you would be? well, not to worry random person! i will be creating bizinghast quizzes of all three types just for you!

Created by: honeywolf13

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. chose your favorite color (or closest to it.)
  2. what genre of music do you like?
  3. if you could have a pet what would it be?
  4. choose a weapon
  5. choose a familiar
  6. choose a food group you like
  7. what song do you like the best?
  8. whats your hair colour?
  9. if you saw a giant wolf/otter/cat beast singing a creepy song what would you do?
  10. do you have a second form?
  11. choose a random item
  12. have you ever been hurt bad?
  13. choose a face
  14. what do you do if the otter cat wolf thing is about to kill herself

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Quiz topic: What bizenghast charecter am I?