what cat are you

there are many people who would like to know who they realy are so they take guizes to find out. or they are just board. ths quiz is based on how you see the world and on your personality.

so what kind of cat are you? are you as cool and feirce as a tiger? or are you as sweet and gentil as a kitten? if you dont know the answer to that thanks to this quiz you will soon find out.

Created by: piglet
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. homework
  3. what to do at a fight
  4. a stranger walks by sad you...
  5. whats the world to you?
  6. favorit color
  7. teachers
  8. your friends consist of
  9. TV
  10. your parents tell you what to do you...
  11. people think you are...
  13. if a friend asked you to ride dirt bikes with him what would you do
  14. if you could have anything in the world right now what would it be?
  15. parents

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Quiz topic: What cat am I