What breed of chicken should you get?

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This quiz is for any of you chicken lovers looking into getting a pet chicken. Remember not to only depend on this quiz, and to do your own research. :)

This is my first quiz, so it might not be the best. I hope you enjoy the quiz and like your result! Ok now I'm just gonna add this because at least 150 characters are required in these paragraphs.

Created by: Kaylee
  1. What climate do you live in?
  2. Do you want a chicken for cuddles, or are you looking for eggs?
  3. Do you have a lot of space for your chicken?
  4. Do you need your chicken to be able to evade predators?
  5. Do you have any other pets?
  6. Will you keep your chicken with more of his or her type, or will they be kept with other breeds?
  7. Do you have a high fence for your yard?
  8. Do you want a quiet chicken?
  9. Do you like my quiz? (no effect)
  10. Are you ready to get your results?

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Quiz topic: What breed of chicken should I get?

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