What Brazillian Political Party would you Support

Here i made this quiz to know if you were alighntended with the Brazillian Political Parties,Whatever is your ideology,Just take the test and have fun

Additional note:I Used the Major Parties,Because there's 36 Political Parties in the current Brazil's,So there's a party that apply more with your toughts but they are a Minor Party so please sorry if this :)

Created by: Lucas
  1. What you think about the 2010's Social Security Reform
  2. Toughts on Universal Healthcare
  3. Should the Brazil support international interventions?
  4. What do you think about the Schools
  5. What should be done to stop the Mysognistic Crime wave?
  6. What your thinking about Protectionism
  7. Who was the Best Leader of USA
  8. Who was the Best Leader of UK
  9. Who was the Best Leader of Brazil since 86?
  10. What do you think of Racial Quotas?
  11. What happened in the 2016's?
  12. What do you think about the Gay Rights
  13. What do you think about the Venezuela's Crisis
  14. What you think about Unarment Statute?
  15. Should we Recreate "Privataria"?
  16. What should we do to Poverty Crisis
  17. Should we legalize/decriminalize Weed?
  18. Toughts on Abortion
  19. Toughts on Mercosur
  20. Now What 1st World country should Brazil get his Inspiration?

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