What BloodClan cat are you ( Gladiators )

The seven main characters of BloodClan might be related to you in a way. You can take this quiz and find out, or not take it and let Jay haunt you!!!!

Fire, Cloud, Jay, Lion, Blaze, Holly, and Feather are the main. This quiz might make you know more about them. Are the fierce loyal, cunning, swift, or even agile? You will find out. Not really though :3

Created by: Wolfcat47
  1. If Jayfeather was being attacked and almost killed, what would you do?
  2. If you killed some cat, your reaction
  3. What fur do you want to have?
  4. Random question Do you like pie :3
  5. Why did Jay become evil
  6. Why did Jay kill Bear?
  7. What element power would you like to have
  8. Who is Avery a friend to
  9. If you where Shadow, who would your mate be
  10. Do you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What BloodClan cat am I ( Gladiators )